Summary Case Study:

Archive Box Store & Core Sample Vault - Kirkhill, Aberdeen

Key Data:

• Project value £2,377,000
• Vault floor area 3,094m2 per level, 15,479 m² in total over five levels
• 120,500 ft³ of box storage plus 157,000ft³ (equivalent) of core storage space
• Scheme design and installation period 9 months, 5 months on site period
• Completed December 2009
• Specialist oil industry core sample store with high value

The Scheme:

The scheme consisted of fitting out a 15 metre high warehouse building with a multi-tiered racking installation and associated services, to create a box archive storage facility and specialised oil industry core sample storage vault. The racking installation was provided overground and four elevated storage levels with fire rated escape staircase enclosures and a two hour fire compartment wall to separate the box storage area from the core storage vault. Ancillary welfare, offices and client viewing space is also provided located under the racking, with the storage supported over on a steel mezzanine structure. The racking installation was provided with an energy efficient lighting installation, emergency lighting and first aid fire fighting facilities. The box storage area has a sprinkler system to roof, in-rack and in-aisle complying with NFPA 13, the core sample storage vault is protected with an inert gas suppression system triggered on a double-knock principle. All areas haveaspirating smoke detection at roof level to provide a very early warning capability.

Our Role:

Our role consisted of providing a detailed design and project management capability, including cost control and site management. From our London offices we produced detailed and fully co-ordinated designs for the scheme including the racking system, lighting and small power provision, gas fired heating and an energy saving destratification fan installation, aspirating smoke detection, sprinkler protection, gaseous suppression systems and all fire system interfaces so that the various elements act as a single composite system. We also managed the construction process,including contractor appointments and approvals. In addition, we undertook the cost management of the full scheme and client reporting. From our site offices, we managed the overall construction process including co-ordination of construction sequencing, site safety, delivery, building code compliance and operated our zero snagging policy to great effect. The challenges involved with this scheme were a challenging project construction programme, secure environment and working in a multi-level construction environment safely. The scheme was completed successfully and on budget, access for our client’s local business team was achieved on programme.

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Archive Box Store and Core Sample Vault.png